Based on Report from FPL Energy, As of January 2007, the company's wind-power portfolio consists of more than 4,000 net megawatts, and the largest U.S. generator of wind power, with 47 wind farms currently in 15 states.
Today, wind energy is also the fastest growing clean and renewable energy resource in the world. American Wind Energy Association report write that
* global installed capacity is more than 74,000 megawatts
* U.S. installed capacity is more than 11,600 megawatts.

Wind Energy Cost

In the early 1980's, when the first utility-scale wind turbines were installed, wind-generated electricity cost as much as 30 cents per kilowatt-hour. Now, state-of-the-art wind power plants at excellent sites are generating electricity at less than 5 cents/kWh. Costs are continuing to decline as more and larger plants are built and advanced technology is introduced.
The main parameters governing wind power economics
include the following:
・Investment costs, including auxiliary costs for foundation, grid-connection, and so on.
・Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs.
・Electricity production/average wind speed.
・Turbine lifetime.
・Discount rate.

There is no Such Thing as a Single Price for Wind Energy
annual electricity production will vary enormously depending on the amount of wind on your turbine site. Therefore, there is not a single price for wind energy, but a range of prices, depending on wind speeds.
graph below shown the sample of electric cost of Wind Energy

Turbine Cost is Banana Cost
Based on The Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA) prices vary for each generator size. The reasons are e.g. different tower heights, and different rotor diameters. One extra metre of tower will cost you roughly 1 500 USD. A special low wind machine with a relatively large rotor diameter will be more expensive than a high wind machine with a small rotor diameter.

here some fact data of Economic Wind Energy